open a waterfront dog park
Designate 100m of waterfront east of South Shore Centre to off-leash dog access. This will promote safe, controlled, and active use of the waterfront for citizens and their dogs during warm summer months. Currently, dogs have NO legal access to Lake Simcoe in this city.

Thank you for your participation in the City’s suggestion forum. We are sorry this update is being provided so late; the staff memo linked below was missed.
A staff memo from the Engineering Department was circulated to City Council (General Committee) on January 7, 2019. The memo was in response to two suggestions on this forum: “Make Johnsons Beach a DOG FRIENDLY BEACH PARK” and “Open a waterfront dog park”. Please refer to the full memo: .
In short, “as per the recommendations of the 2013 Barrie Waterfront and Marina Strategic Plan, when the Gables 2008 Master Plan is updated, staff will revisit whether this park is a viable location for a dog water access beach.” An update to the Gables Master Plan is forecast for 2024.
As per the established process for suggestions that reach 500 votes (Under Review), City councillors had three possible decisions in response to the memo in January 2019:
1. Refer the memo to staff for a report (suggestion would later be classified as Completed or Received for Information)
2. Refer the memo to a reference committee (suggestion would later be classified as Completed or Received for Information)
3. Take no action (suggestion would be classified as Received for Information)
No immediate action was taken in response to this memo in 2019, and this suggestion has therefore been classified as Received for Information.
Related links:
• Process for suggestions Under Review:
• Council & Committees:
• Communicating with City Council:
• Legislative Information Portal:
Cathy Price commented
I don't have children, my dogs are my babies. There are alot of people in Barrie that have animals and feel the same way. It's an insult to me that I am unable to bring my animals to any spot at all to swim and cool down. I pay taxes and feel that my babies have rights as well. Surely Barrie could designate one area for our furry babies. I have always bought licences, etc., always done my part. I am so angry about this, it's unfair. There are all kinds of areas for people to swim, nothing for animals. People can not always get their animals out for exercise on the very hot days, so what else can we do? I have heard there is a fine for trying to cool off my dog of $240, really?? I am a Barrie resident with dogs, there are alot of residents in Barrie that would love this. Take this to the Barrie newspaper/news and you'll be surprised how many people would say yes to a place for their beloved FAMILY MEMBER to swim.
Anonymous commented
keep it the way it is
J gibson commented
There are no waterfront areas for Man's Best Friend in the city of Barrie? I can't believe it! I am planning to move soon and chose Barrie for its location on lake Simcoe where my Lab could exercise doing what she loves best. Many breeds give themselves to mankind through varieties of
services to the blind, the deaf, the disabled, water rescue, autistic children,
and mental therapy for veterans, seniors and many others, as well as water sports. It is imperative that our dogs keep fit and have recreation in their 'off' time , the same as you and me. Many of these breeds have a natural tendency to be in the water, swimming is what they do, so it is a perfect way for them to exercise and relax. I cannot believe that the 'Powers Who Be" would deny our wonderful friends some respectable and safe spaces to swim and play on the shores of Lake Simcoe, which, I believe does not belong to the City of Barrie, but to God, who favours all creatures great and small. The dogs I did not include may be the very ones who are tracking criminals with the police in your bacteria free city, or the dogs serving as front line messengers on the battlefields. My gosh you people, have some passion for our deserving friends, give them some beautiful beach. Commemorate it to the good they do....then take your hearts to the shore and enjoy the frolic!!!
ps...don't look over there where Fido prefers to relieve himself behind that blade of grass rather that in the water....did you always hide behind a blade of grass? I thought not!!! -
Anonymous commented
And have accessible parking to this waterfront too
Anonymous commented
I vote to have a 100m of waterfront access to dogs at the beach next to ******* restaurant. This is much easier to walk in water. The beach East of South shore is hard to get to for older adults as it is quite a hill to walk down with a dog on a leash.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely this is a must
Carla Korpijaakko-Arduengo commented
Anywhere would be great, really. If people keep breaking the law so to speak, on something so trivial that really shouldn't be criminal, the taxpayers are saying something and the City needs to listen-up. We can't all afford the lovely waterfront mansions.
Anonymous commented
Whoever is monitoring this site please combine all waterfront dog park suggestions
Anonymous commented
Even the wooded area beside Centennial Beach, where there are no swimmers or life guards. It is central, yet still far enough away from others, I can pretty much guarantee that humans do more disgusting things in that lake than a dog ever would.
Greg Luber commented
Interesting. This thread has been up for 2-1/2 years and council still won't consider it.
Almost every Provincial Park in Ontario has a "dog beach". It's well away from the public swimming locations, and there are many such locations in the city that could be designated. In fact, it'd make the public beaches better since dog owners wouldn't have the need to go there with their pets.
Any discussion of irresponsible dog owners is moot. These people are currently the ones who are using the public beaches for their pets; as a dog owner, I've seen them, yelled at them, called bylaw on them. Meantime, such a simple, virtually no-cost idea goes begging.
Tanya commented
We definitely need water access for dogs.
I like the idea of Gables Park- as this is far away from any public access swimming beach, and is an area already loved by dog lovers. But we don't have to limit it to that! What about also timed access to other beaches, too- like some of our bordering municipalities... (before 9am and after 8pm every day- at additional designated beach areas, or unlimited access Oct 1-May 30, etc)
Sure there are irresponsible pet owners, shame on them, but lets not focus on them right now. Lets determine what we CAN do for the families that include dogs.
If you don't want to visit the dog-friendly area, then you can choose to go somewhere else.
Make reasonable laws that encourage community activities and social outings! Fresh air and healthy lifestyles for everyone. We all benefit when we are active. I am more active when I include my dog. -
Anonymous commented
Just because people don't stoop and scoop doesn't mean a water park for dogs should let happen. I happen to attend the north end dog park quite frequently and most of the time people are very responsible and pick up after their pets. We know the rules, we understand everyone wants to enjoy the area. A fenced in off leash dog water park would be no different than a regular dog park. We would still stoop and scoop, we would still be respectful. I can't speak on behalf of those that don't pick up after themselves, but for those who think this is a bad idea because of poop has to understand that dogs need an area to cool off on summer days just like people and kids!
Babbs Coady commented
didn't see this earlier but a more detailed proposal was made regarding Johnson's beach:
Amanda Azevedo commented
This needs to happen! Its not fair our dogs have no where to swim!!
Anonymous commented
On a recent visit to the beach I saw several children in the water wearing diapers and then a group of intellectually disabled adults wearing incontinence products also entered the water. I don't even want to think about how many people pee in that water every day. If the argument against dogs in the water is hygiene it's a very poor argument. Dogs don't eliminate in the water while enjoying a beach day - people do.
anonymous commented
Waterfront dog park please, even if it is small. The other two are too far away, and the dogs love to swim. We would love to be able to do this without breaking the law.
Anonymous commented
- All this talk about irresponsible owners is irrelevant to the original request/suggestion. irresponsible owners take their dogs where they like, let them mess the area, not clean up after them etc etc. You can't legislate around behavior like that, these people didn't care yesterday, they don't care today and they sure as heck won't care tomorrow.
- people don't want dogs in the lake? Why exactly is that? because they wee in it? because they walk their muddy paws in it? Come on people, try to remain conscious enough to think a little.... What's next, banning fish because they poop in the lake? If you want to clean the lake up then stop pumping waste into it...
To be quite honest, a dog is one of the least offensive thing you could put in the lake.- You will never appease people who don't like dogs, so disregard them, they are a sad little minority. In my experience, people who do not like dogs are also in the habit of making trouble over anything they don't happen to like or agree with. If YOU don't agree with that, then ask yourself why you don't like dogs.... I challenge you to offer a non specific, ie; not 'because I was bitten when I was a kid', tangible reason people are even able to empathize with.
- Not wishing to thrash an already hot topic, but if the township is unable to stop geese making heritage park and other areas disgusting to even be close to, then why even police the use of these areas at all. The park is like a ghost town down there most of the time, who would want to walk on or take their kids to an avian dump zone?
- The question "why do we pay a city dog licence?" is an extremely valid one. Not a cash grab surely? Nooooo.
Anonymous commented
The little launch area in front of Hooters is often used by dogs to exercise and cool off. I think it is perfect. The area is not posted. I live across the road, and walk my dog in the park. I have never seen a problem.
I agree dogs should not be on the large beach. The by-law regarding no dogs on the waterfront parks except on the path needs to be amended.
The benefits of having dogs are innumerable.
Yes there are some owners who do not stoop and scoop and there are people who do not put their garbage in the bins not to mention the geese droppings.
Let's make Barrie dog friendly. -
Anonymous commented
Barrie needs a dog park with somewhere for dogs to swim
Anonymous commented
I own a dog, and frequent the waterfront on average 4 times a week. I don't think that the area east of the South Shore Centre is a suitable area for an off leash dog park. That area seems a little more "in touch" with nature, and I think that a dog park would take away from that.