As we have no dog friendly beaches and this end of the city has no dog park near or easily accessible to those unable to walk a steep trail I would like it considered that Johnson's beach is the perfect location to designate a dog friendly beach. It's small, remote from other beaches enough that it would cause no issues and yet easily accessible to everyone by walk, driving or bus. Leash laws could still be intact which means no fencing would be needed while allowing dogs to cool down especially on those severely hot days.
Poop and scoop laws can still be enforced and all using the beach can be encouraged to report any who fail to follow it. This would mean no real cost would be placed on the city by simply allowing the animals to access the water.
Thank you for your participation in the City’s suggestion forum. We are sorry this update is being provided so late; the staff memo linked below was missed.
A staff memo from the Engineering Department was circulated to City Council (General Committee) on January 7, 2019. The memo was in response to two suggestions on this forum: “Make Johnsons Beach a DOG FRIENDLY BEACH PARK” and “Open a waterfront dog park”. Please refer to the full memo: .
In short, “as per the recommendations of the 2013 Barrie Waterfront and Marina Strategic Plan, when the Gables 2008 Master Plan is updated, staff will revisit whether this park is a viable location for a dog water access beach.” An update to the Gables Master Plan is forecast for 2024.
As per the established process for suggestions that reach 500 votes (Under Review), City councillors had three possible decisions in response to the memo in January 2019:
1. Refer the memo to staff for a report (suggestion would later be classified as Completed or Received for Information)
2. Refer the memo to a reference committee (suggestion would later be classified as Completed or Received for Information)
3. Take no action (suggestion would be classified as Received for Information)
No immediate action was taken in response to this memo in 2019, and this suggestion has therefore been classified as Received for Information.
Related links:
• Process for suggestions Under Review:
• Council & Committees:
• Communicating with City Council:
• Legislative Information Portal:
Anonymous commented
If kids are allowed, dogs should be too. I grew up in places with many dog friendly, off leash beaches and nobody every had issues keeping them clean and ensuring dogs were behaved. Most people I've been around have much better behaved dogs than children and they actually ensure their dogs are trained. The compromise is verifying dog behavior classes, not simply saying all dogs are aggressive. Most of the beaches that closed to the public were due to teenagers, not dogs.
Bonnie Kiroff commented
Please keep me advised about Johnson Beach hopefully becoming a dog friendly Beach. Thank you
Mike commented
Never ever totally inappropriate..beaches are for young kids and people. Parks are for dogs..there are lots in Barrie.
The City of Barrie is updating the Parks By-law and is looking for your input on regulations for dogs in waterfront parks. The survey takes less than 5 minutes to complete and will be open until May 16, 2019 at 4 p.m. Results will be considered in a recommendation to General Committee at the end of May. Take the survey here:
Anonymous commented
No no no no no no no no!!!!! AND no!!!
Anonymous commented
I agree that Johnson's Beach should become dog friendly but only if the **** and scoop rules are strictly followed. That is not impossible but will require a community buy-in to "police" it and call out anyone who doesn't comply. Of course there have to be adequate garbage barrels to hold the ****.
Anonymous commented
no dogs, thank you
Markus commented
That sounds like a good idea my only issue is, and I mentioned this as an idea comment, that there seem to be a lack of garbage barrels there and where would people dispose of their poopy sacks?
David B commented
Terrible idea - dogs are not always friendly and many people are afraid of dogs. This suggestion would give the beach to the dogs and take it away from the citizens.
Please don't inflict your love for your animals on those who don't want to or can't deal with them. -
C Robinson commented
No. As far as I can tell there are dogs at all the beaches and parks already.I saw one tied to a tree within a few feet of the sign prohibiting dogs. I also see many dogs off leash when I walk to the parks near my house.
anon commented
No I think its a bad idea, dogs shouldn't be at the beach, people already bring them to the other beaches without a leash
Anonymous commented
Why is it that certain dog owners are inflicting their pet ownership demands onto people that aren't owners. I love to swim, relax on the sand and enjoy the beach. I don't want to listen to barking, smelly wet dogs IF I could find a safe spot to lay that is, which I doubt. So no, no, no
Anonymous commented
No way! Half the people now don't pick up. Couldn't imagine laying on a beach where people have kicked sand over it. Trust me, it would happen. You want a dog, then take it out in the country to run. Don't make it everybody else's problem. Deal with it.
Julian commented
Please no. Bad idea.
Anonymous commented
How about the end of Centennial beach nearest to the marina? This is away from the lifeguard protected area and usually not as busy.
Meredith MacInnis commented
Ohhhhh I could see this one getting pretty messy ....
Ashley commented
I often take my kids to Johnson's beach and I don't see how it would work as a dog friendly beach. It's small and because it's small the dogs are in closer contact with people. I wouldn't want to be having a picnic at a beach with wet dogs running around as not everyone follows leash laws. Not to mention the dogs running in and out of the water where small kids play. I just don't see it working at such a small beach.
Anonymous commented
Make Gables park an off leash dog park. The need is very high in this area of Barrie and this park is large and is rarely used by anyone. Should change the sign so it says"gables park" not just park and create a visible entrance.
Anonymous commented
For dogs to get cool off
Richard McPherson commented
I really don't think this ia very good choice. I own a Lab and don't think that dogs and kids need to be mixed together. We need a separate area just for dogs and their owners. Too much excitement, confusion and chance of an accident happening.