Make parking free downtown
We need to make parking FREE for downtown. It would strengthen area businesses and help our local economy

Parking is free downtown until September 8, 2020! The suspension of paid downtown parking is one of the many actions outlined in Barrie’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Action Plan, and supports the Downtown Economic Recovery Plan by providing incentive for customers to access downtown businesses, and provides financial relief for downtown owners, staff, and customers. Learn more about the plan at
For information about projected lost revenue and many other considerations, please refer to the related staff report:
The suggestion is being classified as Completed as it’s being adopted in some capacity.
Anonymous commented
If Barrie is interesting in rejuvenating downtown part of that is attracting people who will spend $ in DT restaurants and shops. Make parking available and free charging taxes to business and then to clients to park is a double dip. Property and business taxes in the DT should be sufficient to cover. It will be a while before I spend my $ in DT Barrie.
Anonymous commented
How much does they city pay in salaries for people to enforce the parking meters? That would cut the deficit.
Anonymous commented
Would not more successful business downtown increase tax revenue?
Jim Willis commented
Parry Sound is trying 6 months free parking this summer
Jane Blogs commented
So what you are saying is that if we don't play along you will raise our taxes and if we do, the obvious loss in business means that you will raise our taxes anyway.
The parking "deficit" was created BECAUSE of paid parking. By getting rid of it you boost the economy, no need for a parking department nor bylaw officers.
You didn't need to build the parkade and you should be selling that waste off
Anonymous commented
Most people and visitors want free parking. Having just moved here from Vancouver where nothing was free I hated it and rarely took our car but took transit or rode my bike. Municipals there have there own municipal gas tax 2 or 3 cents / litre to cover transit and other shortfalls. I know most don't want to see it but it's and nice, soft, underhanded way to get more money for various things not just parking. I'm actually surprised municipalities are not on this band wagon not just parking but other beautification projects. Parking fees and people to administer it, collect it and enforce it are all a big costs. Just make it free and add it to the tax bill.
John commented
I would suggest making the Collier St Parkade and library free all the time. If you want a closer parking spot on the street downtown, you pay for it.
[Deleted User] commented
My question is. How come you can't purchase a pro-rated parking pass for the Collier Parkade? We should be given this option.
Terri commented
Right on mike. Instead of whining about body rub parlors, they should take responsibility for their own mistakes which is down town parking and unessaery increased fines
Mike West commented
Free Parking has a major effect on the volume of people who shop. If you don't pay for parking then people will have the money to spend in your shop. It is that simple. So you would rather someone who could afford parking and then browse your shop but can't afford anything vs one who had parked for free and thus has the money and will to spend in your shop? You'll go bankrupt in no time!
Xenon commented
Parking paid or not would have a minimal effect on the volume of people who shop downtown. I would rather have a person who can afford parking in my shop than one who couldn't, get my drift.
Anonymous commented
@Dan. When you charge for paid parking then those people who would shop there will not so how are you then going to get their money? This is evident now with the amount of stores that constantly close down town and the very high turn over. Paid parking means no shoppers which means no local business. It does not mean more space for those willing to pay. It does not raise anything. If they didn't have to pay, of course they will flock to down town and those "boutique" "status" stores will get business unlike they are now. So your opinion really falls flat on its face. Its common sense. If you pay for parking, the last thing people will do is spend in stores and calling your customers "cheap skates" shows you are not for down town revitalization
Dan commented
I don't think parking should be free. It's greater for the economy when you're getting parking money from people who may not even be residents of Barrie. The more outside money, the better. Paid parking usually means more spaces available for those willing to pay. It also raises your "boutique" high-end status which is what you want from a downtown core to help promote those businesses.
If you have a bunch of people too cheap to pay a couple bucks for parking, are they really going to spend money in your store?
Sorry, I can't get behind free parking downtown.
Jane commented
I just wish parking was free for residents of barrie that work at downtown stores, the residents pass doesnt even come close to dunlop street at all and it sucks that i live in barrie, work in barrie, pay my barrie property taxes and then have to pay to work! - I'd also like to add in that the local business downtown do have to pay for their own snow removal and the city of barrie only does the intersections.
Anonymous commented
Just don't park to long share
Gabriel commented
Parking downtown is a joke. Especially, when the spring/summer comes. There are hardly any spots left on Dunlop St with all the patios. Why not make the Collier St Parkade free on weekends during the summer to give people an actual chance to find a decent spot so they can enjoy the waterfront activities. Instead of finding another reason to gouge us residents. Are you listening Mr Mayor?????
Jason commented
If parking becomes free then i propose that they (downtown res/bus) should be paying for their own snow bank removal as well as other beautification seasonal changes.
Mike commented
How do you know those that walk there arn't going to loiter. At least those who drive and park are more likely going to be shoppers
Anonymous commented
Easy. When there is free parking they are not just going to park to hang around. They are going there with the point of shopping. This why free parking helps the local economy.
Grakky commented
It's a concept to consider but how do you ensure the parking spots would be available for legitimate shoppers and not for people who just scored a free parking spot to do anything but shop?