open a waterfront dog park
Designate 100m of waterfront east of South Shore Centre to off-leash dog access. This will promote safe, controlled, and active use of the waterfront for citizens and their dogs during warm summer months. Currently, dogs have NO legal access to Lake Simcoe in this city.
Thank you for your participation in the City’s suggestion forum. We are sorry this update is being provided so late; the staff memo linked below was missed.
A staff memo from the Engineering Department was circulated to City Council (General Committee) on January 7, 2019. The memo was in response to two suggestions on this forum: “Make Johnsons Beach a DOG FRIENDLY BEACH PARK” and “Open a waterfront dog park”. Please refer to the full memo: .
In short, “as per the recommendations of the 2013 Barrie Waterfront and Marina Strategic Plan, when the Gables 2008 Master Plan is updated, staff will revisit whether this park is a viable location for a dog water access beach.” An update to the Gables Master Plan is forecast for 2024.
As per the established process for suggestions that reach 500 votes (Under Review), City councillors had three possible decisions in response to the memo in January 2019:
1. Refer the memo to staff for a report (suggestion would later be classified as Completed or Received for Information)
2. Refer the memo to a reference committee (suggestion would later be classified as Completed or Received for Information)
3. Take no action (suggestion would be classified as Received for Information)
No immediate action was taken in response to this memo in 2019, and this suggestion has therefore been classified as Received for Information.
Related links:
• Process for suggestions Under Review:
• Council & Committees:
• Communicating with City Council:
• Legislative Information Portal:
Jen Trombley commented
A waterfront dog park makes sense because dogs need a place to swim and there needs to be better access points to the water. Owners will continue to do it anyways and a safe spot with garbage for **** scoops will make the waterfront cleaner and safer. Currently people are accessing the waterfront at steep points along the bike path. These overgrown and secluded spots are not safe for owners and dogs as broken glass and drug paraphernalia are common occurences.
Sarah commented
Lots of people walk their dogs along the North Shore Trail. There needs to be access to the waterfront...maybe a nice spot for dogs to swim.