Like other cities, Barrie has rush hours and transit should accommodate this, at which we don't right now.
We're making our city bigger- new roads, housing, more people moving to Barrie but not increasing any extra buses.
Transit has an opportunity to grow and grow now!
COB should look at all avenues. What makes our city are the people and its the people that needs , voice. Let us be heard.
T - less TRAFFIC
R - Runnability
A - Assurance
N - NICE city
S - Stability
I - Initiating
T - TONS of happy
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Like other cities, Barrie has rush hours and transit should accommodate this, at which we don't right now.
We're making our city bigger- new roads, housing, more people moving to Barrie but not increasing any extra buses.
Transit has an opportunity to grow and grow now!
COB should look at all avenues. What makes our city are the people and its the people that needs , voice. Let us be heard.
T - less TRAFFIC
R - Runnability
A - Assurance
N - NICE city
S - Stability
I - Initiating
T - TONS of happy