Install lighting for hockey/skating at Strabane Park
I propose that the City of Barrie install low height, low to medium light output solar lights around the tennis courts at Strabane Park. These lights should be directional and aimed at the tennis courts/ice area. The intent would be to provide some lighting for hockey or skating during the winter. Tennis players have the advantage of long hours of daylight.. Ice rink users do not. Solar lights, similar to the one already in the park, could easily be installed and overall would be cheaper than installing wired lights.
The 2015 Capital Budget has been approved, and includes the installation of an LED light at Strabane Park for lighting of the volunteer ice rink. The light is expected to be installed this summer.
Thanks to all who engaged with this suggestion and helped ensure community interest was reflected in the vote count! The suggestion was a factor in staff’s decision to include it in the proposed 2015 Budget & Business Plan.
Susan McKendry b commented
We need the lights back at Strabane Park