Install lighting for hockey/skating at Strabane Park
I propose that the City of Barrie install low height, low to medium light output solar lights around the tennis courts at Strabane Park. These lights should be directional and aimed at the tennis courts/ice area. The intent would be to provide some lighting for hockey or skating during the winter. Tennis players have the advantage of long hours of daylight.. Ice rink users do not. Solar lights, similar to the one already in the park, could easily be installed and overall would be cheaper than installing wired lights.
The 2015 Capital Budget has been approved, and includes the installation of an LED light at Strabane Park for lighting of the volunteer ice rink. The light is expected to be installed this summer.
Thanks to all who engaged with this suggestion and helped ensure community interest was reflected in the vote count! The suggestion was a factor in staff’s decision to include it in the proposed 2015 Budget & Business Plan.
Jenny commented
Next time vote honestly and not just increase the vote count
Jenny commented
Chris. It has nothing to do with the Farmars market and only you, yourself are the one that is undermining this idea. What is rediculus is that certain "ideas" are being pushed through while others are being punished with the exuse of "fraud" while the speed of this vote is suspicious. Your assertion to think otherwise given the proof here is shameful and rediculus. EVERYONE has great ideas. One should not be pushed passed the other because the mods are in favour of it.
Chris faulkner commented
It's unfortunate that you are trying to undermine our efforts because you have been unsuccessful with your farmers market. Please keep your issues out of our area of discussion!! Your comments are shameful and your accusations of fradulent votes is completely ridiculous!!!!! -
Jenny, please e-mail us at to confirm your e-mail address. You seem to be be aware of other e-mails that have been blocked; those users are welcome to e-mail also so that the associated votes/comments can be reinstated. Thank you.
Jenny commented
It has been shown that the city of Barrie has been removing votes on ideas that they dislike and disapprove of. I have neve engaged in fraudulent activity in this board, although it seems the mods certinly have. It is Intresting to note that they accuse the idea of "make Barrie event centre the new farmers market" as fraudulent as it conflicts with their allendale farmers market idea and it is no secret that the city of Barrie is in a court battle on this peace of land an this is showing their bias here. It's a pitty as this could be a democratic form. But the mods here who are picking and choosing which ideas get the pass and which do not and now throwing accusations towards me shows that they are anything BUT democratic. What good is the terms of use if the mods break it themselves? That is the problem many people LIKED the farmers market in the old event center. Shame on you removing their voice because you personally have a stake in allendale which you lied to mark porter about the poison in the ground. Indeed this light thing is a good idea and could have reached in it own merritt. It didn't need the mods to log in under fake users and deliberately pushed it up. For the record, yes I maxed out those votes. I am allowed to and there is nothing wrong with the ideas I CHOOSE to like over what the mods obviously want passed. My thinking is that if the City of Barrie is acting like this now. What if they try to deliberately try to pass a bad idea as "popular" which does not have the concent of the people of Barrie. Say a tax raise, a charge or a few? That is the problem. And this shows the mods being anti democratic
Jenny -
To confirm: All votes for this suggestion are legitimate and registered to valid e-mail addresses. This suggestion has received the fastest legitimate climb in votes on this forum and it's exciting to see that the forum is being leveraged as it was intended to be: by residents who spread the word among friends and neighbours to show their support, fairly have their say, and contribute to the forum's reflection of popular opinion. We (Access Barrie) are excited to see the amount of residents engaged. Thank you!
Jenny, the two comments from you within this thread have been made under to two separate e-mail addresses: one invalid, the other suspicious. As per the Terms (, invalid (fake) e-mail addresses are blocked and all associated votes/comments are removed. In this instance we have decided not to block the invalid address so that we can publicly acknowledge your accusations. It should also be noted that under these two addresses you've maxed out your votes (on the same ideas); this is an example of fraudulent activity.
Indeed, there have been a number votes/comments registered under invalid e-mail addresses or flagged IP addresses ( that have been automatically removed along with the e-mails being blocked. The most fraudulent activity has been in regards to idea "make the old Barrie event center the new Farmars market."
Jenny, please note that the Terms include: "If you have been blocked and you feel this has been done in error, please email from the email address under which you registered." We'd be happy to reinstate any votes/comments should we receive such an e-mail. To date, Access Barrie has received no e-mails from blocked users.
Thanks again to all of the honest participants of this forum and this suggestion in particular.
Anonymous commented
Author -Kevin Davis
It appears that our friend Jenny thinks we're raising money for a NEW recreational centre. It also appears that you seem very standoffish in regards to the votes. I'm not sure if you're a detective or if you just like to get in the middle and speak your mind about fraudulent activity in regards to a playground.
Do you have children? Or do you like sports? I appreciate the concern but is it really this serious. Maybe we should call the police to do a vote check now before this gets out of hand? This will validate us.
I lived on Jeffrey st and Strabane for almost 20 years and I guarantee I have more hours in the park than most. The park was great. The winter hit and we hit the lights. We could play until 11 at night.
I'll up the anti and throw $250 down on the cause.
Let's do a fundraiser and put this to bed. Then we don't have to be watched or criticized about petty votes.
Say when people!! -
Dawn Coby commented
To add to this idea, we should make sure the lighting is solar powered. That way it will be cheaper to power.
Chris faulkner commented
Thanks Hal for pushing this issue!!! Lights in the park would be excellent for the park and the neighbourhood in many ways. The kids really only have a small window of light after school where they can safely use the ice or court.
Lights would also make it easier for the volunteers who maintain the ice (mainly at night when there is no light!!)
We have had to resort to running our vehicles for countless hours to provide light while shovelling and flooding. This practice is sub optimal for everyone most of all the environment. Lights in the park might also deter the vandals who frequent this area and punks who hang out in the park at night. Let's not forget that this is Canada and we should provide the safe appropriate skating and hockey facilities for our kids!!!!!! -
Anonymous commented
Please consider installing lights at Strabane Park's skating rink.
Our neighbourhood would appreciate the extra time we could have on the rink after school and work.
Thanks, Dawn Cobby -
Jenny commented
Yes it could have been shared by Facebook and email. However the vote count rise is very suspicious and I have seen other great ideas below who also shared their ideas the same way get punished and had their votes removed. Thus, the mods here are floating this idea and not the residents to which live there. The proof is in the actions the mods have taken. Not very democratic is it. If this was a good idea let it rise on its own.
Anonymous commented
When I lived on strabane in our younger years the lights would be on. We played tennis until very late at night and our parents could see us. When the snow started to fly we all played hockey and or skated at night as well. The lights left and that's when the nets were slashed and equipment was not used for the right reasons.
Bring it back! -
Aerin Heisz commented
There are no fraudulent votes here. This has been shared through email and on Facebook by many proud residents of the east end community. Just one more reason I love my neighbourhood!
- commented
My son and his freinds attempted to play hockey on the rink at Strabane but were unable as there were no lights at the park making it inaccessible early evening during the winter. Without the lights, this park is not usable in any season in the evening. How unfortunate!!
Adam heisz commented
Jenny not to be rude but this one has been shared on face book with over 500 ppl who live in that end of town.
Jenny commented
It says in the terms that those who artificially inflate the vote count will have their posts removed. I have seen other posts with legitimate and good ideas removed and then this one, although a great idea, has been fraudulently increased with fake counts and yet the mods here do nothing. How anti democratic
Anonymous commented
When the lights were there, people used the tennis courts in the summer and were able to skate on the rink made by community volunteers in the winter... in particular in the winter it allows families to be active together in the early evening hours when it gets dark so early.
Anonymous commented
What a great idea. Great for safety if our kids too.
Adam heisz commented
Great idea that would see the parks usage increase!!
Aerin Heisz commented
This is a fantastic idea and one that I have heard over and over again from residents of the east end.
Lights were removed from the tennis courts and never replaced - bring back the lights!