Allandale station turned market
Turn allandale train station become a market open daily. Something similar to Vancouver's Granville market. Would attract locals and tourists and bring people and business to the unused building. Cafes, shops, etc

A staff memo from Planning Services was recently circulated to City Council (General Committee), providing a status update on the Year Round Market Business Plan. The memo includes a summary of the results associated with a recent online customer survey and information regarding the suggestion that the market be located at the Allandale Train Station.
The full memo is available to read via the May 16th circulation list at (direct link to memo:
In short, the memo outlines reasons for focusing on a downtown location, and the two downtown locations selected for further investigation. As these investigations will get underway, this status of this suggestion has been updated to “Received for Information” as no further action will be taken at this time regarding a market at Allandale Station. We’ll continue to provide updates via the forum regarding the implementation of a year-round market; voters will be auto-notified via email.
A summary of the information included in the memo ( follows:
In December 2013, Council authorized staff to conduct a feasibility study for a self-sustainable year-round market in the downtown (related staff report: Given the Council motion to investigate the feasibility of a market in the downtown, study and research efforts to date have been focused on a downtown location (The Allandale Train Station is located outside of the downtown, in the Allandale Centre Planning Area). With the formation of the Market Working Group and a locational sub-committee, downtown sites have been under investigation.
Most recently, the decision was to narrow the focus to two sites for further investigation: one using an existing building and site, the Transit Terminal; the other for a new building on the H-Block parking lot site at the downtown library branch.
The suggestion of using the Allandale Station as a potential site for the market was discussed by the Market Working Group and it was decided that the focus for a location should remain in the downtown. Rationale for this decision was primarily based on the initial Council direction to focus on a downtown location. The working group also advised that the year-round public market is considered to be a destination/attraction venue to draw local and regional residents and tourists to the core of the city, and a complementary use to adjacent and local businesses. More people in the downtown will bring more business to the shops, commercial/retail businesses and restaurants and add to the vibrancy of the downtown as well as continue to facilitate a healthy economic environment.
Jenny commented
You have "confirmed" with no proof. I have sent you a valid email and yet you claim "not to have recieved it. We all know about the politics of this land and the invalid increase in vote count by you on this issue and it's conflict of another idea similar to this. Just as we know the city negotiated the land of the allendale station in bad faith. Your behaviour is suspicious and does not add up
Jenny, as per our other comments in response to your recent ones:
We confirm that all votes for this suggestion ("Allandale station turned market") are legitimate and registered to valid e-mail addresses.
The e-mail address under which your recent comment was made has been confirmed as invalid. As in previous instances and per the terms (, this e-mail address should therefore be blocked and all associated votes/comments would be automatically removed. In this instance we have decided not to block the e-mail address so that we can publicly acknowledge your accusations, but we will continue to block such use.
Indeed, there have been a number votes/comments registered under invalid e-mail addresses or flagged IP addresses ( that have been automatically removed along with the e-mails being blocked. The most fraudulent activity has been with regards to idea "make the old Barrie event center the new Farmars market."
Please also note that the Terms include: "If you have been blocked and you feel this has been done in error, please email from the email address under which you registered." We'd be happy to reinstate any votes/comments should we receive such an e-mail. To date, Access Barrie has received no e-mails from blocked users.
Jenny commented
You can compare Walmart or any other grocery mart to this idea. There is a reason why this idea doesn't work and I can see why the votes have been fraudulently increased given the politics surrounding that land and the city.
Anonymous commented
Why can't you compare Walmart to your market. Walmart and the market both sell food. However, Walmart not only provides Free parking, it is also far cheaper and the food is safer than that of your market due to your choice of its location.
Anthoney Brown commented
Why can't you compare this idea to Walmart given walmart not only sells groceries., but does it for cheaper AND without the poison. Not to mention free parking and no law suit envolved
Anonymous commented
Why can't you. As wall mart sells food and so does the market. The difference being that in walmarts case it is more accessible and cheaper due to its location and Free parking. While this will not be the case with Alendale
Anonymous commented
This idea may have some obstacles but I would hardly call it redundant as you cannot compare a walmart to a market
Anonymous commented
It doesn't matter if you grow it or sell it. You are putting food on contaminated land. As for parking. Sure a minority of people will do, but the majority who are smart will not and those customers will sti be going to Walmart which makes the market at your location redundant. The go train had a set schedule and only takes in a minority of traffic
Anonymous commented
The idea isn't to grow the food there, but sell it. Food, coffee shops, artisans, baked goods. As for parking, some won't mind paying but there is also the train users getting on and off their train daily as well as walking traffic to be considered as potential shoppers
Anonymous commented
An Excellent idea! I grew up in Winnipeg and I would go to the Forks. It is a market near the train station with local products. Also has a lot of history and heritage of the location. The forks is where the two main rivers running through Winnipeg come together. Everytime I am back in The Peg I visit the forks for local produce and meat( ice cream and I walk) Great place to stop after a walk down the river in the summer. I would love to have something like that down by the water. I would probably find myself going weekly to check out a produce stand. I find the farmers market in Barrie only on certain days very hard to get to if you work on Saturdays. It would be great to have somewhere to get the same products daily.
Anonymous commented
It's an idea. But what about free parking? Why not open up the market at the old Barrie event center since this is where there is lots of free parking making it actually accessible
Anonymous commented
What a fantastic idea!!!
Anonymous commented
Love this idea!
Ron commented
Great idea! It would attract people to our waterfront. We are still waiting for the mayors campaign promise to turn the downtown bus terminal into a farmers market. The restored train station would be the perfect setting.
Anonymous commented
I think this would be a hit for sure..Big fan of the idea!
Anonymous commented
Fantastic idea. Barrie needs something like this!!
Jocelyn commented
Love this idea!
sandy lamb commented
Fabulous idea and a wonderful setting to do so? I'd shop here!
Jess commented
This would be fantastic!
Jason commented
Great idea!