Allandale station turned market
Turn allandale train station become a market open daily. Something similar to Vancouver's Granville market. Would attract locals and tourists and bring people and business to the unused building. Cafes, shops, etc

A staff memo from Planning Services was recently circulated to City Council (General Committee), providing a status update on the Year Round Market Business Plan. The memo includes a summary of the results associated with a recent online customer survey and information regarding the suggestion that the market be located at the Allandale Train Station.
The full memo is available to read via the May 16th circulation list at (direct link to memo:
In short, the memo outlines reasons for focusing on a downtown location, and the two downtown locations selected for further investigation. As these investigations will get underway, this status of this suggestion has been updated to “Received for Information” as no further action will be taken at this time regarding a market at Allandale Station. We’ll continue to provide updates via the forum regarding the implementation of a year-round market; voters will be auto-notified via email.
A summary of the information included in the memo ( follows:
In December 2013, Council authorized staff to conduct a feasibility study for a self-sustainable year-round market in the downtown (related staff report: Given the Council motion to investigate the feasibility of a market in the downtown, study and research efforts to date have been focused on a downtown location (The Allandale Train Station is located outside of the downtown, in the Allandale Centre Planning Area). With the formation of the Market Working Group and a locational sub-committee, downtown sites have been under investigation.
Most recently, the decision was to narrow the focus to two sites for further investigation: one using an existing building and site, the Transit Terminal; the other for a new building on the H-Block parking lot site at the downtown library branch.
The suggestion of using the Allandale Station as a potential site for the market was discussed by the Market Working Group and it was decided that the focus for a location should remain in the downtown. Rationale for this decision was primarily based on the initial Council direction to focus on a downtown location. The working group also advised that the year-round public market is considered to be a destination/attraction venue to draw local and regional residents and tourists to the core of the city, and a complementary use to adjacent and local businesses. More people in the downtown will bring more business to the shops, commercial/retail businesses and restaurants and add to the vibrancy of the downtown as well as continue to facilitate a healthy economic environment.
Anonymous commented
We lost our downtown grocery store. In earlier years, we lost drug stores. I wonder whether we could add a grocery store and drug store to the planned farmer's market at the old bus terminal. It would be convenient to do our weekly shopping at once, and our downtown would draw a good crowd. This project would make good use of a city section.
Marg MacKay commented
What I really would like to see for the train station would be a museum or restaurant or a combination of the two.
nancy commented
Whatever happened to the idea that the existing bus terminal be turned into a market?
Keenan Aylwin commented
Keenan Aylwin commented
There's a survey about this out right now - have your say! (In my opinion, local farmers and producers should be prioritized!)
Keenan Aylwin commented
Yes, great idea, local vendors only!
Anonymous commented
This would make an excellent year round attraction.
Anonymous commented
Yes, yes YES!
Anonymous commented
Great idea! If only the building were allowed to be occupied. It would be nice to see that waste of money be put to some use rather than just a shell.
sara gustaw commented
I have watched this development since it began. I would really love to see this building used for something useful like a market- I think it would increase tourism in Barrie and be another great attraction for local folk alike.
R k commented
The farmers market should be in the current Barrie bus terminal. Expand it, and make it free parking. There are no grocery stores in the downtown core.
Paul W commented
I realy like thie idea my wife and neighbors have talk about a farmers market with cafes ect Indoor outdoor so no need to finish the interior. Living in the south east end theres only one grocery store and many time the selves are empty..
Garry Buchan commented
I agree we have been looking at this wonderfull building being unused for years now and it is about time they start using it again and maybe draw some income instead of spending money on it .
Anonymous commented
Allandale station -looks like a US Prison, its been a drain of tax payers money and should have been knocked down and turned into a mkt place or some other community area. for 7 years we have talked and read about it. time to move on.. who cares about it.
Sue Walker commented
I would like to see a farmers's type market as well as moving the Barrie Tourism to this location fromthe South Shore Centre
Alison commented
I welcome this idea - either here or at the old Barrie event Center. I'd love to see more local produce available at other times than Saturday morning.
Sean commented
Not a good location for a market if you are going to market it to "tourists". People who attend markets want to browse in a relaxed atmosphere. A tourist would spend more on parking than on merchandise in this location which would act as a deterrant for many...
Ginny Kaner commented
I love this idea! It's a great spot because it is already so accessible with Allendale being a transit hub. It also takes the stress off of the downtown core and works to stretch the downtown area which is going to be more and more important as our city grows.
Ben commented
Barrie doesn't need any more grocery stores.
Kam Holland commented
Something like Mariposa in Orillia would go very well at this spot. See the link here