Outdoor COVERED Ball Hockey Rinks
Make more outdoor covered ice rinks / ball hockey rinks throughout Barrie (similar to Thornton's). We are a hockey town, let's give kids and families a way to get out and enjoy the rinks no matter the weather.
With 511 votes, this suggestion has reached the 500-vote threshold and the status has been updated to Under Review.
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Anonymous commented
So needed -!!
Anonymous commented
Great idea for the kids to get out of the house and still play all year long ❤️
Joe Muszynski commented
Keeps kids out of trouble
Anonymous commented
absolutely need more of these, in different areas of the city, east, north, south etc
Kula commented
A covered odr in Barrie would be amazing
Lindsay commented
We definitely need more ODRs!
Sharon Dawn commented
What a great addition this would be!
Angela Arkwell commented
This is needed throughout Barrie, in multiple locations that are easily accessible to kids in the communities in which they are located.
Maggie T commented
A covered rink would be a great asset to the city of Barrie. So many puck and ice times are full to capacity. Not all.kids get a ride to the facilities. This would allow many more people access to a great form of exercise and fun. It's long overdue
Andrea Marie commented
This would be wonderful for families
Janet Bown commented
More outdoor options are important for kids and their families.
Elsa DaC commented
Our youth needs things to do, places to go, kept busy learning and growing. We need more outdoor activities where they can build relationships and be positive active members of our community.
Elizabeth McCutcheon commented
Kids need to be outside having fun/ excersicing!
Olivia Pacheco commented
I don’t see the town spending millions of tax payers money so that one individual can register a business and make millions
Kaitlyn commented
Having more rinks is a must! Kids these days are infactuated with technology, and although tecnological skills are helpful in todays society; kids social, athetic, communucation and collaboration skills lack horribly. These kids build friends for life through their games/play time and it offers endless emotional, mental and physical benefits.
Dave Mathews commented
We need mamy more places for the kids to re-develop social skills and athleitc ones
Marlaine Mercier-Neagle commented
A must! For Barrie
Nicole Jackie commented
Coronation Park is also a great location. Within local neighbourhood, empty soccer field that is not usually in use (with many other soccer fields within the area). There is also an empty soccer field right beside Hewitt's Creek School (near the tennis courts) that is never in use.
Wes Pender commented
Mapleton Park is a good site. Large field. No league soccer being played there. Also large area next to basketball court