I am opposed to the City of Barrie building a sports complex along the South Shore. Build it elsewhere. Leave nature alone to be enjoyed.
I am opposed to the City of Barrie building a sports complex on the South Shore area of Kempenfelt Bay. That area is a semi-natural piece of prime property that is enjoyed by countless citizens, and it should be preserved as such for future generations. Build a sports complex elsewhere but not on land that is contested by indigenous groups, nor adjacent to a waterway that is environmentally fragile.
John and Pauline Warnica
68 Pioneer Trail, Barrie
& Unit 14, 222 Steel Street, Barrie
At the September 17th Sport Events/Facilities Advisory Committee meeting, the committee was notified of this suggestion and provided a document including all comments recorded as of “Under Review” status classification.
Advisory committees (http://bit.ly/2JpH9JC) ensure opportunities for public input into community decision-making. The majority of Advisory committees report to a Reference Committee of Council and meet on a monthly basis, or at the call of the Chair.
The schedule of meetings is available at http://barrie.legistar.com and meetings are open to the public.
Francine commented
I am very against the proposed sports complex along the south shore of The Bay. Now it is an open grassy area where people can walk and it also allows for a good view of the water and city line across The Bay. Building a sports complex there will increase traffic and the danger of accidents because of the number of vehicles that will be parked along the road on a regular basis. The area designated hardly allows for the sports complex, let alone parking. I am totally against this idea.
Anonymous commented
Concur with suggestion to re-purpose the lands off the 400 as a sports stadium OR someplace in the south end - that is where the growth is with
the families with youngsters. Keep our passive green space available to all. -
Linda Laforge commented
A far better location would be the old racetrack on Essa and the 400. There's lots of parking ans space to build this there. There already isn't enough parking at the waterfront as it is. Fixing up the eye sore off the 400 and making it a useful space again would be fantastic. Also a great pace for larger entertainment offerings.
Anonymous commented
The waterfront is not the place for a stadium.
This will come as a surprise to some people, but most people are NOT sports fans.
Currently, the waterfront can be enjoyed by all and the land there is too precious to put under concrete and asphalt. -
Anonymous commented
Our beautiful waterfront serves as a place for jogging, cycling, bathing, picnicking, painting, thinking, and appreciation. The lake and the public shore we access it by is cherished for fishing and bird-watching. As Barrie gets larger and louder, spaces like this will become more and more precious. I oppose the idea of a sports complex in this area. Exclusion fences, an increased need for parking, obnoxious lights, and intoxicated crowds are not suited for our waterfront.
Tina Amiri commented
This area is wooded and natural to make for a beautiful walking experience along the waterfront. It is part of a running and walking route. Nobody wants or needs a large sports area, plus the parking required to make that work, in this area. If the City of Barrie truly cares about it's "beautiful waterfront" they will kick this idea to the curb--no matter HOW MUCH MONEY is being thrown at them by some rich guy. Do what's right for all looking for a little reprieve for "city" when they go down to that area. That is a very prominent natural zone for people who enjoy the lakeshore area.
Anon commented
If you are in agreement with this, note that there are two similar suggestions. If you wish to vote, please vote for the suggestion that already has many votes. Voting here will tend to split the vote, and the threshold may not be reached.
Carol Phillips commented
A sports complex down by the lakeshore is WRONG. We need some green space, some open parkland. Our waterfront is too precious for a ball diamond!!
jfw commented
did you see the one above by Brerton Field Naturalist on the same thing? you can add 3 more votes to that one - we need to get 500 votes for it to re reviewed by Council
Chris Evans commented
The proposed waterfront location of this sport complex would destroy the most significant accessible naturalized waterfront area in the city and interrupt the waterfront trail. I submit that it would be unconscionable to even consider this location for such a proposal. Therefore, I submit that the motion of the General Committee for a "FEASIBILITY STUDY REGARDING OF A POTENTIAL FAMILY ORIENTED SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT FACILITY IN THE CITY OF BARRIE" should exclude any Kempenfeldt Bay waterfront and other parks, natural or naturalized areas in the city.
Janie Harris commented
The City has a Waterfront and Marina Strategic plan which runs from 2015-2019 for the short term plans, through a 5-10 year medium term plan, and indeed a long term plan which is 10-20 years. No where on any of those plans, is a stadium on the waterfront mentioned. The City has had numerous feasibility studies and public input into the use of the waterfront, and NEVER has a stadium been mentioned. The current City Waterfront and Marina Strategic Plan which has been approved through numerous processes and much public input, should be kept. A stadium with a capacity to hold 3,500-4,000 people, squeezed into a small area, would generate the need for at least 1,000 parking spots...on the waterfront???? Don't waste taxpayers money on another study-common sense dictates that the lack of parking alone for the stadium makes this a poorly thought out idea.
Ron Taylor commented
Lake Simcoe Conservation will never allow a deveopment of this size so close to Kempenfelt Bay....nor should the city ever consider supporting the destruction of green space.
Anonymous commented
Leave the parkland/green space for the all, not just sports fans.
Bruce Wilson commented
The old fairgrounds site at Essa Road and Highway 400 would be a much better location.
Ken MacDonald commented
I am a fan and supporter of the Barrie Baycats Baseball team but I definitely do not support building a stadium on public park land. If this is done I predict the bad karma will result in them never winning another championship!
Alex Mills commented
It's taken years to reclaim Barrie's Kempenfelt Bay waterfront from a developed state to a green state for people to use, free of charge. This proposal would be a form of reversal, converting green space into developed space with excluding walls! It would seriously impair the utility of the round-the-bay walk that so many residents and visitors appreciate. It would be visually impairing. It would bring large crowds. It would need substantial additional parking. Ball diamonds usually sell beer, and it would not be in the public interest to have such a large, licensed premise consuming a waterfront green space that should belong to, and be available to, the citizens of Barrie.
Barrie may "need" a baseball stadium, in some sense, but building it on the waterfront would be folly.
Alex Mills
Anonymous commented
Please do not build this sport complex in this area. This is a wonderful space to run, walk and cycle in and it is a beautiful wooded area that just does not need to be disturbed for an idea such as this. A sport complex is NOT REQUIRED in this particular area.
Karen Folques
Jim Coey commented
Please let the natural wooded area in question remain unspoiled.
Jim Coey
Anonymous commented
Existing natural areas on the Lakeshore should be conserved as there are few left and offer relaxing enjoyment to all - a little oasis.
Wia Jarrett commented
This is the only wooded area at the end of the south path of the Lakeshore. The go trains are parked opposite and having the grass and trees on the other side make the area less commercialized.
A sport complex would spoil our natural habitat on the south. The sport complex should be built in a more residential area so people could walk there if needed.
Don't spoil our disappearing park lands!