I am opposed to the City of Barrie building a sports complex along the South Shore. Build it elsewhere. Leave nature alone to be enjoyed.
I am opposed to the City of Barrie building a sports complex on the South Shore area of Kempenfelt Bay. That area is a semi-natural piece of prime property that is enjoyed by countless citizens, and it should be preserved as such for future generations. Build a sports complex elsewhere but not on land that is contested by indigenous groups, nor adjacent to a waterway that is environmentally fragile.
John and Pauline Warnica
68 Pioneer Trail, Barrie
& Unit 14, 222 Steel Street, Barrie
At the September 17th Sport Events/Facilities Advisory Committee meeting, the committee was notified of this suggestion and provided a document including all comments recorded as of “Under Review” status classification.
Advisory committees (http://bit.ly/2JpH9JC) ensure opportunities for public input into community decision-making. The majority of Advisory committees report to a Reference Committee of Council and meet on a monthly basis, or at the call of the Chair.
The schedule of meetings is available at http://barrie.legistar.com and meetings are open to the public.
Cheryl Lawson commented
it is a very valid concern the city would rather develop land it owns than the expense of buying land..This is a very hot topic and could be an election deal breaker or maker
Anonymous commented
I do not want it on the lake either, I live within pop fly of the location.
However, here's why it has a very good change of happening: Lakefront is City owned, Racetrack is in private hands. There's your reason. Do you think the City wants to buy the Racetrack land, for say $30-40 million before a shovel hits the ground, when it has 'free' land to develop?
Best shot: The louder the residents voices are, the more of a political land-mine it will become.
Helen commented
Please leave the waterfront alone. It's a beautiful peaceful for all to enjoy. I agree with the previous posts that Massie can gain the same bucks at the old racetrack that's sitting idle. And with a beautiful stadium that can be seen and accessed easily from the highway will only better profile Barrie.
Kathy Dimock commented
Loss of nature, lack of promotion & opportunity to healthy living by reducing or impairment to physical exercise of walking, running, bicycling at our outdoor jewel, detrimental environmental impact to waterway, pollution of garbage, air, noise and light, parking shortage, driving congestion, decreased accessibility to downtown are some of the cons I can think of why not to locate at South Shore area of Kemper felt Bay.
Anonymous commented
I agree with Richard and consider the old race track as a possibility. Please leave the lakeshore area as is.
Richard Hyde commented
Yes the eyesore at Essa and the 400 by the old race track is a much better place for this stadium. It would beautify it and let all who come through Barrie easy access
Sam commented
Since there seems to be some opposition to this location for the sports facility, I suggest that an alternative, and possibly better location would be Gables park. This parkland was purchased by the city of Barrie from the RVH nurses association about twenty years ago with the provision that it would be eventually be resold in part for residential use and also used for commercial activities. This has not happened to this massive area but instead it is almost unused by anyone. The entrance is almost invisible and the parking lot is small and rarely occupied much. It is clearly not needed nor used in its current configuration. This is contrary to the terms of its purchase. Although it has a beach area, which should be known and very accessible to Barrie residents, it appears to be only green space for the housing bordering on it. Even the sign that does not say "park" and a carved tree suggests that this is private property.
Given its stated original intended use when purchased and its very large size, this sports centre would be a great use of this underused city property. -
[Deleted User] commented
This is a horrible Idea and I sincerely hope this does not come to fruition.
The only person to benefit from this is Massie who will be raking in the dough.
If you want to build a sports complex then go elsewhere. Keep the waterfront the way it is. -
J Carmichael commented
Monuments to some rich fellow's ego are the last thing Barrie should be considering funding, least of all at the waterfront. Waterfront parking would become a huge unpleasant issue as well. Why should public land be considered at all for such things? Let the for profit sports owners pay for these venues and choose whatever real estate they want to make their money. Let's not have another publicly paid for boondoggle like Skydome. There has been enough construction at the waterfront already this year, which has seen the destruction of essential trees and lawns. Any more would ruin it. All Barrie residents enjoy the openness of the waterfront, all the natural areas and unobstructed views; a priceless rarity in modern cities today. It's a vital quality of life asset that draws new tax-payers to the city, including doctors. We personally delight in watching the wildlife while there and can see how much everyone else does, too-minks, blue herons, all the shorebirds; it's wonderful. We are South Barrie residents, I might add. Fresh air and quiet enjoyment are undervalued, which we would surely lose at the waterfront if Barrie allows this noisy monstrosity there.
Tina Amiri commented
You'd be hard-pressed to find a citizen of Barrie who would be for this horrible idea of building sports complex (plus parking) in one of the most enjoyed natural spaces along the waterfront. The people who are for it are either for it for financial political reasons or they are the exception to the general consensus that we do not want or need to ruin that particular area. So, bottom line is, if Barrie City Council votes to build this thing, then we know that money rules and the people of Barrie do not have a voice. I have spoken to dozens of people about this and not one person knew this was even happening, but ALL jumped right on board and wrote a comment and voted against once they were informed. So, note that if you haven't heard a huge outcry it is only because people are not aware. If every citizen in Barrie did have to vote, it would be a landslide against this idea.
Linda Laforge commented
I do not live in a condo or on the Waterfront. I am a Barrie resident who enjoys the waterfront.
I also am aware of the Meridian Place plan. It's a stage and canopy, not an ampitheatre. It will be a great event place in the downtown core. Still, not an ampitheatre. Was an idea ! -
Barbara Wenzel commented
We are a group of Barrie citizens who do not live in condos, but are walking every single day, winter or summer and enjoy the nature and the shelter those trees give us.
Please do not cut them down , they are precious and
Cannot be replaced. Barbara Wenzel -
Sandra Orr commented
Anon,it isn't just the people who live near the water, it is residents from all over the city who oppose this destruction of the east end of the park because we know the value of having some relatively untouched wild space. It belongs in a spot the has good access, room for lots of parking and relatively industrial commercial surroundings so the noise, lights and traffice won't completely destroy ones peaceful enjoyment of the park and ones own home. This will affect every single homeowner in the lands abutting the Bay on both sides.
anon commented
I think its a wonderful idea and the only people who are opposing it are those living in the condo's there. I oppose them but there they are at least everybody has the opportunity to benefit from this.
Janet Kuse commented
The Barrie waterfront has become a wonderful parkland for all to enjoy a sports complex at the site proposed is a terrible idea.
Sandra Orr commented
To reply to Linda Laforge, there is already an ampitheatre being built in downtown Barrie in the Memorial Square location so a second music venue on the Southshore would be redundant. A sports complex on the Southshore would be a terrible misuse of the waterfront lands.
Linda Laforge commented
I'd still rather see the sports complex at the old racetrack and see that space utilized well. There are smaller towns and cities that have ampitheatres on their waterfronts. THAT is something we could put into use immediately at Kempenfest and our Annual Jazz Fests. If we have to put something new there, build something that adds to the waterfronts current uses.
Sam commented
A sports complex in this area would have parking areas built that could also be available for users of the lakefront park and walking path, and especially useful to attendees of the many weekend City of Barrie events held throughout the summer, when parking is difficult. The parking areas might also be useful for GO train users during the daytime.
Storm commented
This location is WRONG on many levels. Parking and congestion is already a nightmare. The waterfront needs to maintain some natural greenspace for the enjoyment and use of wildlife and people alike. Finding a location with easy access such as the old fairgrounds location at Essa and the 400 makes the most logistical sense. Please keep the remainder of the waterfront as natural as possible. There is already so much development down there.
Sam commented
This is an ideal spot for a sports complex. It is attractive but currently rarely used. It is adjacent to the waterfront park so will allow for other people to more safely extend their use of the walking trail without making the beach park area busier. It will bring people to the park and waterfront area and encourage access to the downtown restaurants and businesses.