I am opposed to the City of Barrie building a sports complex along the South Shore. Build it elsewhere. Leave nature alone to be enjoyed.
I am opposed to the City of Barrie building a sports complex on the South Shore area of Kempenfelt Bay. That area is a semi-natural piece of prime property that is enjoyed by countless citizens, and it should be preserved as such for future generations. Build a sports complex elsewhere but not on land that is contested by indigenous groups, nor adjacent to a waterway that is environmentally fragile.
John and Pauline Warnica
68 Pioneer Trail, Barrie
& Unit 14, 222 Steel Street, Barrie

At the September 17th Sport Events/Facilities Advisory Committee meeting, the committee was notified of this suggestion and provided a document including all comments recorded as of “Under Review” status classification.
Advisory committees (http://bit.ly/2JpH9JC) ensure opportunities for public input into community decision-making. The majority of Advisory committees report to a Reference Committee of Council and meet on a monthly basis, or at the call of the Chair.
The schedule of meetings is available at http://barrie.legistar.com and meetings are open to the public.
anonymous commented
"...but not on land that is contested by indigenous groups, nor adjacent..."
Pity how some pious religious fanatics who supported the systemic **** of indigenous peoples by the church can now claim that they can speak on their behalf - shame !!! Using that as an excuse to protect your own property values - shame !!!
Anonymous commented
you do need a nature representative no matter where you build such a structure and of course if there is still any consideration to by the waterfront.
Lesleah MacDougall commented
Someone commented about the old fairgrounds. That would be perfect
Leave southshore as is. -
Rebecca Peterson commented
Why not build it at the old fairgrounds? Why destroy a beautiful naturalized area?
Ken MacDonald commented
The post from the City of Barrie Moderator states that the Working Group could include "three people from community/sports organizations." I assume this means community organizations and sports organizations, not community sports organizations. If so I believe one community group represented should be Nature Barrie (Brereton Field Naturalists). Someone needs to be on this group to speak for Nature.
Bruce Wilson commented
Why is there no consideration of environmental impacts in the terms of reference for this? It seems the group will solely consist of groups that may gain benefit from the construction of this project with no review of environmental impacts. Preserving or minimizing impact on the environment must be one of the items considered during this "review"
Anonymous commented
I am opposed to the City of Barrie building a sports complex on the south shore of Kempenfelt Bay. Completely unbelievable to me that a committee is needed to even entertain this idea. Simply no way, protect this green space!. The negative impacts have been voiced by many ( noise pollution, more traffic issues, lost green space..)
Most importantly protect the green space- we have one chance if you build here you can not get it back. This area is beautiful and is used by many citizens to participate in being physically active and enjoying nature and the lake.
Don’t forget Barrie City Council voted to remove the boathouses from the north shore to implement the re-naturalization of the area, why would you now denaturalize the south shore?
All citizens of Barrie presently can enjoy the waterfront’s beauty! Add walking trails, bike trails, picnic areas! -
Michele Poisson commented
Let's be realistic: as much as we, Barrie residents, would like to have the Bay to ourselves, the Waterfront brings in tourism dollars from folks from Toronto. Build a sports complex there and you lose all that income, because sports ...well they have bigger places there to go to and all you are going to get here is noise, litter, pollution, traffic problems and unhappy residents. C'mon Barrie Council, build it in a place that is under-serviced to attract economic development in a different part of the city.
Anonymous commented
Thoughts about A Sports Complex on Barrie’s Waterfront
Kempenfelt Bay was the beautiful jewel of Barrie from its very beginning as a village-town-city.
Apart from the clearing of the original forest it was allowed to be hidden by factories, tanneries, and commercial enterprises limiting access to the real treasure, the sparkling waters of Kempenfelt Bay. Then the decades long clean up and restoration ensued; surrounding lands were purchased and/or claimed, polluted waters cleaned up, CNR Railway properties with great foresight were purchased and park land filled in.
We have priceless beauty beyond description. The waterfront, an asset like no other and the envy of many cities is available at all times to all people local and visiting.
I personally am not opposed to a super sports complex. I have always been for any good project rather than against but in this case just not on Barrie’s Waterfront. Let’s have it in a proper setting. The parking and traffic attending events alone will take up much space and make easy and accessible entry at all points to the waterfront restricted.
Let us keep and improve our waterfront, a true natural jewel for everyone.
Willard Kinzie
Marie Lotoski commented
I'm opposed to the stadium on the waterfront. Use the old fairground site.
Diane Rowat-Walton commented
I am opposed to the stadium on the waterfront.. use the old fairgrounds site
Janie Harris commented
The City of Barrie has a Waterfront and Marina Plan which was implemented in 2015, and which has 5 year, 10 year and 20 year targets. The plan was implemented after much input and research from outside sources, City Departments and citizens of Barrie. No where on that plan, which runs until 2035 is there mention of a baseball stadium/ entertainment facility. How can our politicians ignore a recently implemented policy?
IF the waterfront is not taken off of the feasibility study, I would request that privately owned lands be added to the sites which the City is looking at.
The waterfront does not seem like a practical site due to many reasons: it is perfect in its natural state; the transportation access is dismal-Lakeshore is a bottle neck as it is, and the addition of another 2,000 cars is a nightmare scenario: increased service by GO would mean more traffic interruption; Emergency services would have a difficult time accessing the site; homeowners in the vicinity would be subjected to increased traffic, noise, sound and light pollution; the wildlife which brings photographers from far and wide would be wiped out, and last but not least, there is not adequate parking for 2,000 cars.
Barrie's waterfront is truly a gem, and it is a huge tourist attraction for our City. We can't let such a unique and natural wonder, be destroyed. -
bryan wood commented
Use the old Barrie fairgrounds. Why?- located beside a major curling venue and at the junction of Essa road and the 400. Ample room for parking and good exposure to the public and passersby.
Val commented
I am writing to say I cherish my chosen city and our beautiful lakeshore walking trails and views. Our lakeshore is the envy of other cities and visitors comment how beautifully we have maintained the integrity of our lakeshore. Coun. Brassard, once said previously, the people of Barrie wished to maintain the passive nature of the waterfront, with a focus on park space and trails in the future. Why would this well-treed naturalized area even be considered for a sports complex is totally baffling to me.
This is an area where one can enjoy discovering the lakeshore trails with an environmental classroom, right at your fingertips. Walkers are blessed by viewing flora and fauna natural to the area. There is nothing many of us love to do more, than to venture along this beautiful area be able to sit and enjoy reading, or have some moments of meditation, or enjoying the quietly lapping waves at the shoreline.
If a stadium is built here, much of the environmental beauty would disappear and be replaced by asphalt, steel, noise pollution, parking issues and much more. I can imagine the footprint alone of the stadium and parking would gobble up most of the parkland. It brings to mind the lyrics in Joni Mitchell's song, "They paved paradise, And put up a parking lot ". This lakeshore area should continue to be held up as a prime example for other cities to view how it has been maintained for the peaceful enjoyment of the citizens of Barrie.
The reason we have this beautiful waterfront came about by determination, dedication and planning by previous far sighted mayors and councillors to enable the city to always have a passive park for the use of the residents along this lakeshore.If you as a resident feel strongly against this proposal, please express your opinion to the mayor or your councillor. We need to speak to this issue to preserve this natural space for the next generations.
Anonymous commented
"Would the residents of New York City consider developing Central Park into a baseball stadium? I doubt it. Let's not develop our very own Central Park - the South Shore wilderness - into a baseball stadium." These are the sage words of an octogenarian life-long resident of Barrie.
Tom Gerry commented
We need to save that space for the fox family. It's tricky enough for them to manage as it is.
Anonymous commented
I agree wholeheartedly....the waterfront is not the place for a sports complex.
D Park commented
I agree that the old race track property or somewhere on the perimeter of the city would be a much better pick than our finite, natural waterfront park that is the best asset we have in our city (besides good people).
Patti Gwin commented
I am against the plan for a stadium, but not completely against some kind of development for that space. The Barrie waterfront is beautiful, and we need something to encourage people to come to Barrie by water - think of all the people at Friday Harbour .... people with money!! We want them to come to downtown Barrie. I am pretty sure that they won't come to watch the Baycats, but they would probably come to have a meal, and enjoy our parks and waterfront. We need something that is both environmentally responsible BUT also injects money into our local businesses.
Anonymous commented
Let sports team use the Sports Complex in Midhurst. Already the condos across from our waterfront cast shade onto our lake and when we dragon boat, we are in shade rather than sunshine, as it was years ago.