Ban Circuses that still use exotic animals as performing acts.
Abusing and exploiting animals in the "name" of PROFIT is outrageous!
In order to get these animals to perform unnatural, painful, and stressful acts, trainers use blow torches, whips, shock them with taser guns and beat them with bullhooks, that are jabbed into their sensitive skin, on their thigh, behind their ears, even jabbing inside their mouths.
These Elephants, Tigers, Bears etc. endure severe confinement, hardship and brutality. Between acts these ENDANGERED SPECIES are kept chained up like bicycles or confined to cramped pens, which aren't large enough for them to turn around.
Dozens of Countries have Nation Wide Bans on Exotic Animals in Circuses. While Thousands of Municipalities and Cities World Wide have a Ban in place.
These Animals are Dangerous to the public!!
Please join the other Municipalities who share concern for the Public and Animal Welfare and stop these Groups from entering your jurisdiction. C'mon Barrie! We don't need to support this!

The Business Licensing By-law 2006-266 will be amended to add the following new provision under operating criteria associated with the “circus or similar show” licensing category: “Notwithstanding the above, the use or display of wildlife or exotic animals shall be prohibited.” The consolidate by-law will soon be available at
Anonymous commented
Barbaric! I can't believe this still happens.
kelly welch commented
I support this ban!!!
Anonymous commented
Should also Ban Pony Rides at Barrie Fairs.
Anonymous commented
I support this it is disgusting to see animals caged up and used for profit
Chris Vivian commented
Total animal cruelty!
Sassysus commented
Happy to support this! It needs to stop!